Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
Sanitation remains a big issue in Ghana, according to the multiple indicator cluster survey 2017/2018, 22% of Ghanaians still practice open defecation. These practices escalate the incidence of illness and death related to poor sanitation and hygiene, putting particularly under five children at higher risk. Our WASH interventions are designed to improve access to affordable sanitation and hygiene products and services which we believe will help reduce the impact of poor sanitation in the country. Our goal is to build sustainable sanitation markets and supply chain in the private sector.

This will ensure that households and institutions have access to sanitation and hygiene products and services and at affordable prices. Owning an improved household latrine is a right and not a privilege, TFHO in the light of this understanding, imports and distribute improved sanitation technologies suitable for the building of various latrine types across the country from urban, peri-urban to rural Ghana.

With our social behavior change strategies, we build positive behaviors towards improved sanitation right from the household and community level, and create a linkage among all stakeholders – clients, artisans, entrepreneurs, and financiers.